



At AFRIPLAST, quality is our compass. Every product that bears our name is the result of an unwavering commitment to the strictest standards. From design to manufacturing, we go the extra mile to ensure that our HDPE and PVC pipes surpass your expectations in terms of reliability and durability.


I-Raw material analyses: Based on the technical data sheet of the raw material, we perform analyses of the raw materials according to the following standards: (ISO1183, ISO1133, EN 728). This includes density, flow rate index, and oxidation induction time.

II-Geometric: Before starting the analyses, we measure the diameter, thickness, and ovality using a circometer, palmer, and caliper.

III-Physical analysis:

    • A- Oxidation induction time: Differential scanning calorimetry is a technique used to study what happens to polymers when they are heated. This technique is used to study a polymer’s thermal transitions. Thermal transitions are the changes that occur in a polymer when you heat it, like the melting of a crystalline polymer or the glass transition.

    • B- Flow rate index (MFI): This test determines the flow rate index, the extrusion speed of a melted resin through a die of specific length and diameter under prescribed temperature conditions, load, and piston position in an extrusion plastometer, expressed in terms of extruded mass per specified time interval.

    • C- Density

    • D- Longitudinal and circumferential shrinkage when hot: A tube of a given length is immersed in an inert oven maintained at a specified temperature for a specified duration.

IV-Mechanical analysis

A-Milling machine: Prepare the test specimens for the tensile test according to the standard ISO 6259-1 and ISO 6259-3.

B- Tensile strength: Objective: to verify the mechanical characteristics of extruded tubes. The test consists of applying a constant speed traction (25- 100mm/min) to a tube sample until the sample breaks. The force required for deformation and the deformation at break are measured. The deformation at break must be greater than 350%, and the stress at the yield point must be greater than 15MPa for PE80 and 19MPa for PE100.

C- Hydrostatic pressure resistance: Objective: to verify the tube’s pressure resistance. The test involves applying constant pressure to a tube sample at 80°C for 165 hours and 20°C for 100 hours. At the end of the test, the tube must not have any cracks.

Dichloromethane resistance: The objective is to determine the degree of gelation.

Shock resistance: This mechanical test determines the rigidity of a PVC tube.

Vicat test: The objective is to determine the softening temperature.

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